Tuesday 30 June 2015

Q&A pt 1

Hey guys! So some people have been asking me (Olivia) some questions! So I wanted to answer them for you guys!

What books do you recommend for girls aged 10-12?

Well, there are many books to choose from when you're that age, and it also depends on what types of books they like, but I would mostly recommend books like the hunger games, divergent, Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, and those books.

Why do people get bullied?

Well there's many reasons, but sometimes you can't really figure out what the problem is. I've been bullied lots of times, and believe me, it's not that fun at all. A lot of the time, it's because the bully is jealous and they want you to get worse so that they are better than you, but just ignore it, the bully will get bored after a while. Sometimes it's also because the bully has a lot going on in their family, and the kind of need to bully people to get better. To fix it, good ways are, moving schools, ignore them, stick your head up and smile =)


1 comment:

  1. Look at my blog if you want an answer for the bullying question... Although no one really knows.
